We don't know exactely when this Rodin's artwork was modeled. Young Mother and Child plaster were shown at the Salon the same year under the title Woman and Love. This touching sculpture of a nude mother seated on a rock being gently nuzzled by her young child is a beautiful and eternal statement about motherhood. She calmly reflects on the spiritual connection between herself and her son or daughter. Whether used to represent maternal love or a mythological theme, the association of the baby and the young woman was both sentimental and sensual. Several bronze and marble versions of the statue were made during Rodin "lifetime. The woman and child theme was very present in artist "oeuvre at this time. Rodin's artwork replica comes in a protected packaging with an interesting biography of the artist.
Auguste Rodin was a French sculptor who exhibited a unique talent to capture the extreme depths of human emotion. Although he didn't study at the prestigious École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, he found inspiration in sculptural traditions.
A majority of his criticism was due to his departure from highly decorative and thematic traditions. He preferred forms that were true to nature and took Michelangelo and Da Vinci as prime influences. Despite the controversy that surrounded his art, he refused to change his style, sticking to his vision until the end of his days.
His most famous piece of Art, The Thinker, was originally part of a larger vision. Along with The Kiss and Gates of Hell, Rodin tried to encapsulate Dante’s Inferno in bronze.
Eventually, the sculptor earned fame thanks to his unexpected realism and use of unconventional materials. Throughout his later life, he remains one of the greatest artists of his era.