The Man with Hat and Dove statue is an adaptation of Magritte's painting into a 3D sculpture. The Man with Bowler Hat and Dove (1964, Oil on canvas) shows a man wearing a business suit and bowler hat with his face hidden by a white dove. The man's identity is obscured by the bird thereby reducing the man's identity to a generic "businessman". The portrait of the man can be viewed as a variation on Magritte's painting "The Son of Man", in which a man's face is hidden behind an apple.
René Magritte was one of the most famous surrealist painters of all time. His ability to challenge perception inspired many artists to come, such as Andy Warhol, Jan Verdoodt and Jasper Johns. Furthermore, his idiosyncratic vision of Surrealism has won over the hearts and minds of millions.
He worked across various media including painting, printmaking, sculpting, photography, and film. His depiction of normal, everyday objects rearranged in an unusual way allowed his viewers to take a deeper look at what was in front of them and realize what the image truly represented.
One of his most well-known pieces, The Treachery of Images exemplifies his ability to give new meanings to objects. It is an image of a pipe, and beneath it, a message that reads, “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” (“This is not a pipe”).
This ability to make the mundane strange and the known unknown has solidified Magritte’s talents in the art world. Eventually, it has profoundly affected the Conceptualist and Pop Art movements, to this very day.